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"Percorsi" was born as a Sneakers Hub with the goal of redeveloping and revitalizing the former Stainerian School of Cartabbia in Varese, aiming to preserve and enhance the strengths and weaknesses acquired over the years.

Mainly, the decay of the building, affects the aesthetic level: the walls often appear peeled and the plaster has given way both inside and outside the structure. Here the non-use has allowed a thick vegetation to grow in the ou

tdoor spaces, the green is no longer cared for and appears rather wild. The structural damage is focussed on the second floor of the building but does not affect its accessibility or use.

The aim of the project is to create a place capable of attracting not only those interested in buying, but also those who want to discover and become part of this new trend. The goal is, therefore, to combine the phenomenon of the sneakerness with a strong cognitive, but above all, social component, through the organization of events and used shoes donations.

Areal day and night view. Former school transformed to a Sneakers Hub in Varese, Italy 2018. Sara Ferrini, Tommaso Giardinieri, Mirco Sturlese

Furthermore, the theoretical component explains through an exhibition the importance of this culture since its born in the 80s and the experiential component allows you to try the sneakers before buying, for an immersive travel in the sneakers world.

Ground Floor Plan, Sneakers Hub, Varese, Italy, 2018. Sara Ferrini, Tommaso Giardinieri, Mirco Sturlese

First Floor Plan, Sneakers Hub, Varese, Italy, 2018. Sara Ferrini, Tommaso Giardinieri, Mirco Sturlese


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