Jonathan Dillon

Concrete Perception
Jonathan Dillon is an author, educator and consultant, integrating new digital technologies into architectural practice. His research maintains architecture’s traditional core as an artistic practice which delivers design excellence as a critical component of successful place-making.
His book, Concrete Perception (Crucible Press, 2015), explores the work of sculptor Gordon Matta-Clark as part of an alternate modernism, where architecture and painting overlap and where the plasticity of form positively impacts use and inhabitation.
Parallel projects in development include:
A globally accessible, pop-up, digital gallery showcasing masterworks of the Renaissance. Definitive digital archive of the historic stone bridges of the Napa Valley in California USA. Point Cloud Light – an evaluation of the aims and imperatives of earth artists through developing digital, 3d-scanned, and data-driven culture.
Jonathan consults in all areas and scales of architectural design and production: with entrepreneurial, boutique, and international offices, and with residential, commercial, and hospitality clients.