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Piazzale Trieste, Varese, Lombardy, Italy


It has been defined as "Leftover", a place that has stopped performing the function for which it was built and that is now in a state of suspension, waiting to be reintegrated into the living social fabric of the city. The project proposal intervenes in assigning to its new functions and possibilities of use, resorting to reversible devices, able to receive in the project as a "gift" the elements of degradation present in the place itself.

The project Equilibrio Anomalo (Anomalous Balance) aims to provoke a crack in the universe of common sense, adopting the anomaly as an act of resolution.

Merolla, G. , Nunziata, F. (2017). Horizontal Section, Bistrot.

The general intention is to create an overlook on the porticoed area to serve hurried commuters or quiet visitors. The facade, powerful and hermetic, undergoes an abrupt deformation by ''explosion'' thus creating a large opening that allows a glimpse, even at some distance, the presence of a food counter. The same fate has happened to the walls of the old body-parasite that occupied the porch: its ruins are now three levels of seating.

Merolla, G. , Nunziata, F. (2017). Horizontal Section, Cantiere.

The Yard is the diurnal soul of the entire building; this is where things happen. Largest space in terms of square footage and capacity, it is versatile and modular thanks to the two main interventions of ''Ritmo'' and ''Clap''. Creative workshop, stage, exhibition space, it can accommodate people according to three stages of stay, short, medium, and long thanks to the steps and the two mezzanines.

Merolla, G. , Nunziata, F. (2017). Horizontal Section, Speakeasy.

Cucù is a new club dedicated to a creative community. It is a place for exchanges and meetings, for cocktails and music. It succeeds the salons, the literary circles of 17th century Paris, the clubs of 18th century London, the Dadaists of Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, and the existentialists of Taboo in Saint-Germain des prés.

Merolla, G. , Nunziata, F. (2017). "Cucù" Speakeasy night view.
Merolla, G. , Nunziata, F. (2017). "Cucù", Speakeasy day view.

Molecular bars are the places where creative and innovative drinks are experimented with, originated by molecular mixology, which makes our cocktails not only more scenic but also tastier. The ingredients are modified through molecular reactions caused by plant fibres, starches, bicarbonate, carbon dioxide, foams, nitrogen or dry ice, and much more, through chemistry that is not harmful to the customer.

Entrance is reserved for members and/or "password" holders, a pass that will change depending on the event hosted by the venue. Distortion, Dislocation, Absence were the formal peculiarities we needed to restore the balance of our "leftover". To the wreck, today covered by indifference, returns the hope subtracted.


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